With plenty of baby clothes’ outlets available these days, you might be thinking that buying clothes for a baby would be quite easy. But, to your surprise, this is one of the most difficult tasks as a child grows so fast in the first few years and these clothes will not fit in to her after a certain point of time. Moreover, since baby clothes are quite expensive, here are some easy tips for the parents to buy and take care of the baby clothes:
The clothes worn by 9-12 months old babies can easily fit in to 6-months old babies and likewise. So, always buy one size ahead of your baby’s actual age as babies tend to grow fast, leaving little scope for the same clothes to be worn later.
Make sure that the clothes you buy for your baby are comfortable to wear, easy to put on and easily washable as well.
Before your baby wears the new clothes, wash them in dettol water to maintain the hygiene factor.
Avoid washing baby clothes in hard washing powder, rather wash them using vinegar.
Preferably, purchase the clothes that have elasticated waistbands & trousers or skirts along with shoulder straps.
Clothes such as trousers, jeans etc. that have become short to the baby can be cut down and made into shorts, to be worn in summers.
If the clothes that you bought for your baby do not fit her anymore, then you may pass them on to a relative or friend’s baby to whom they may fit in easily.
So, to maximize the scope of baby clothes, just keep a check of the aforesaid hints and tips.