Testimonials - What Parents says about us

Dr. Tripti Arora, M/o Uttkarsh Arora
With his teacher’s friendly behavior & affection uttkarsh is gradually trying to adjust to his daily routine to go to school & stay there away from home.

Mrs. Sachdeva, M/o Kanishka Sachdeva
She is very active and shows that teachers are really very good. Her poems always impress everybody in her home but the credit goes to her teachers.

Mrs.Meenakshi, M/o Kaanya Khanna
She loves to come to school including Sunday. She loves her teachers. Her behavior is changed. She loves to do her home work. We are very happy and thankful to her teachers.

Mrs. Ritu Murarka, M/o Tanisha Murarka
Unlike the children of other play school my daughter feels very happy to go to school and great to talk about when around with parents she feels pride and content though being so small. I t is due to the unique friendly and encouraging atmosphere for my child to groom in so many aspects of life.