Author name: newshemrock

Best Published Articles by Shemrock in 2017

Previous Next February 2017 when you leave children alone at home Mrs. Meenal Arora, Celebrated Parenting Expert & Director of SHEMROCK & SHEMFORD Group of Schools gives valuable tips to ensure utmost safety, when you leave children alone at home,in her latest article published in Leading online magazine, Sarita. Read the full article here: …

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Panda Parenting’ to make children self-sufficient

Are you looking for a new gentle parenting approach for upbringing self sufficient and independent children? Mrs. Meenal Arora, Director – SHEMROCK & SHEMFORD Group of Schools, has shared a different and gentle approach of ‘Panda Parenting’ to make children self-sufficient and live a balanced life.Read her complete article published in India Today here:

Vaccination Decisions – Who Should You Trust?

Vaccination Decisions – Who Should You Trust? These days, almost all parents trust a pediatrician for their child’s good health. Moreover, in the new era, where the concept of joint families has almost vanished, moms and grandmas live quite far away thus when the child is ill, parents readily prefer to visit a doctor instead …

Vaccination Decisions – Who Should You Trust? Read More »