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Celeberations of Ram Navami Festival

Ram Navami is a very important Hindu festival which is celebrated in the end of the Hindu month Chaitra. It falls on the last day of a series of nine day which mark the onset of the occasion. The importance of Ram Navami is much because this day commemorates the birth of Lord Rama or Ramachandra who is worshipped by almost every Hindu on this earth.

The occasion of Ram Navami has the people fasting for the first eight days and surviving only on the basic and holy food which is pure as considered by the realms of the religion. People live on fruits and other materials but not cereal. On the ninth day which is actually Ram Navami, people make offerings to the gods which are fruits and flowers. Massive free kitchens are organised for the people and temples are decorated for everyone to come and take blessings of the lord.

Children in school can also celebrate the occasion of Ram Navami. They are told about the significance of the festivals. They sing hymns in praise of Lord Rama. Preschools even have the celebrations in the form of fancy dress competitions where the children can come and perform and know the importance of the festival of Ram Navami as well.



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